We are Honeymilk

A conscious approach to

What if building a world of good could start with how we conduct our daily lives? Here at Honeymilk we believe that a world where we feel nourished, safe, and proud of the legacy we’re leaving is possible. To make it happen, we need to come together in community and reconnect with the sacred and more sustainable ways of living.

So, if being kind to the world and others around you
is a priority, then we are so glad you’re here


Want to elevate the everyday?

Let’s reclaim our roots.

We believe that every choice you make is your chance to invest in the future you want to experience. But an elevated future — one that shows us a different way of making profit, that’s steeped in purpose and service, that’s less filled with chopping down problems and more present to nourishing the roots so we can grow the right things — we think it lies in building a bridge between seeing what’s possible in the world and harnessing what’s been done well for centuries before us. 

Change begins at the bridges we build. 

Here we offer a safe space for those who want to cultivate their ability to rethink in community with others who are doing the same. And we hope to empower you with the “how” through our forward-thinking rerooting Honeymilk Content Hub. 


Introducing: The Honeymilk Content Hub

Our conversation-starting lifestyle blog takes on topics including everything from wellness to finance to food, and more. 

Our common focus through these everyday topics is to encourage a restoration of what brought us here. We want to help you sow new seeds of thought by strengthening our old roots. Together, we take on ideas that have been proven for centuries and think through how today’s world might change drastically with a few intentional shifts. 

It’s impossible to champion conscious and sustainable living and the power of community without linking arms with the businesses and brands whose beliefs and actions help us further that effort. We partner with brands and businesses to showcase their industry-changing products and passions so that you can feel confident in where you’re voting with your dollars for everything from laundry detergent to clothing to food, kids’ products, and more. 

When they’re a Honeymilk partner, you can be sure of these non-negotiables: 

  • Offer a fair living wage 

  • Ethical supply chain transparency 

  • Sustainably sourced + made 

  • Continuous improvement mindset 


Conscious consumption is our aim

Conscious consumption is our aim •


Our passionate proactive partners

So while our goal is to illuminate the brands and businesses who are doing REAL good in our world, we also hope to empower you to choose what you put into your body, your home, your mind, and your children with ruthless intention. 

You want to do the best you can with what you have, and that may mean your budget looks different than others in our community. Whether you’re ready to go ALL in with impactful changes or just want to take them on one at a time, our goal is to make these choices more accessible to everyone who wants to make change for good. 

We hope to support your ability to purchase much less and watch it do more in your pursuit of nourishing your daily life. 


Let’s live “better” together

You know that bravery and gumption that exists online, but doesn’t ever make it to real life? Well, we’re kinda done with that. 

Honeymilk’s community may start online, but our ultimate vision has always been to bring it to life in person. 

We make that happen on a small scale through our in-person retreats. And we back it up with BIG, intentional action with our co-housing communities. 


Ready to build bridges?

We know the power community holds when intelligent people come together with open hearts and good intentions. 

In our free online community, the Honeymilk Hive, we want to cultivate the kind of togetherness that comes from not just existing in the same space, but truly connecting by focusing on what we have in common. 

The strongest communities are formed through: 

  • Conversation

    We tackle topics that others don’t and we’re unafraid to take on opposing opinions. We know that where productive and kind conversation exists, it will lead to less division and more quality connection.

  • Connection

    Connection is focusing on what you have in common, even in the presence of what you don’t. Through brave, respectful conversation we see the heart behind each individual and learn to love them for it.

  • Community

    With proximity, respect, and kindness, true community is born. Waiting for a community that’s exactly like us only perpetuates our problems. We cultivate productive community and take action together.


This is the goal of our online community.
Will you join us?