Gene Keys: Using Your Profile As An Entrepreneur

Gene Keys is a synergistic system using elements of the I Ching, astrology, and the modern science of genetics to create a map for personal growth and spiritual development. A perfect tool for entrepreneurs. What I love about it? How your Gene Keys profile can help you clarify strengths, overcome weaknesses, and adjust your schedule to fit your natural tendencies.

In essence, the concept of Gene Keys is focused around how each and every one of us is born with an incredibly distinct, individual, genetic code. Fans of the system say it has allowed them to reach their greatest potential and to overcome shortcomings — in short, to better themselves.

Knowing this code unlocks so much, believe me.

Gene Keys explained

Gene Keys is another way to map your personality. Instead of 12 astrology types (like Cancer or Zodiac), there are 64 personality types.

Originally, these stemmed from Chinese cosmology — a divination method from over 3,000 years ago that manipulated stalks into shapes and overlaid designs to create 64 combinations. But in 1966, the same number was discovered in our DNA. There are 64 units of genetic code or codons.

The Gene Keys system then uses every one of the 64 possible Gene Keys, syncing up with astrological insights and alignments to create a Gene Keys chart. That’s what you will use to understand your specific personality type.

Using your Gene Keys Profile as an entrepreneur 

Being an entrepreneur can be lonely. Sometimes, it feels like you’re having to go it your own, living a life that most can’t relate to, and making sacrifices for your business. As an entrepreneur myself, I know how overwhelming running your own business can be.
Where should I focus my resources, how should I spend my time? When it comes to stages of “analysis paralysis” like this, some direction is always helpful. Once you have your Gene Keys chart and your Gene Keys profile ready, the system can help you to focus on strengths, overcome weaknesses, and reorient your schedule to better fit your archetype or personality. 

How to find your Gene Keys profile

Make a Gene Key profile on the official website here.


Match up your codon archetype with one of the 64 options from the I Ching hexagram (highly recommend reading and referencing the Gene Keys book by Richard Rudd!)

This is how you identify your specific Gene Keys profile. Personal growth is, from here, simply a matter of taking account of your archetype, its needs, shortfalls, and opportunities. 

Gene Keys archetypes

After you figure out your profile, you’ll find an archetype description that fits one of three basic elements — the Shadow, the Gift, or the Siddhi.


The shadow is everything negative, or seemingly negative about your particular archetype. This can range from negative emotions to false perceptions. As in the work of Carl Jung, the Shadow is intended to be reintroduced into the personality in a more positive, accepting way. 


The Gift is everything the Shadow is not — the positive parts of your Gene Keys archetype. Growth, love, and kindness are all a part of the Gift. 


The Siddhi, originally a term for psychic abilities or spiritual superpowers developed through meditation and yogic Buddhism. The Siddhi is a marker for what can be ultimately accomplished with one’s archetype. Following your purpose to the highest level will mean reaching the states of full embodiment, spiritual enlightenment, loving-kindness, and others. This is realizing your Siddhi. 

A key to a better you

Unlocking your ideal self is what Gene Keys is designed to do. Find more self-development tips here.


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