

INTRODUCING: The Venusian School of Business

Hustle is out. Heart is in.

Step out of the antiquated journey of entrepreneurship so you can create a purpose-centered kind of business that calls you to align your potential and tap into a wellspring of abundance in a way that actually feels good along the way.

The new way is here. You’re going to love her.





Does this ring true?

You’ve done the success thing.
You’ve done the spirituality in isolation thing.

But you’ve experienced a BIG SHIFT that has you thinking:

I’m done with the old way of compartmentalizing my spirituality and success. I’m ready to bring them together in harmony so I can harness the power of alignment on every level. If you’re ready for the beauty and balance in business that Nature Herself brings to Earth, then it’s time you step into the Venusian School.



The Venusian School of Business

We are here to help you unleash your unique gifts so you can unearth a business balanced in light, abundant in love, and rooted in receiving.


Aligning with my business

“I’m ready to go from Committed Doer to Embodied Becomer.”

The Remembrance Alignment

  • This immersive study is designed to help you grow your spiritual skillset to live your life, approach your work, AND build your future from a higher frequency. Goodbye, chasing manifestations. Hello, aligning and allowing.

    This is perfect for you if:

    • You’ve experienced a big shift in life or business

    • You’re ready to align your spirituality with a new vision of success

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Remembrance Alignment will be Step 1.


BUILDING my business

“I’m ready to offer my Unique Gifts while creating Tangible Impact.”


  • This potent preparation curriculum is designed to clarify your best business concept or business design and identify unique goals that are rooted and deeply aligned with the potential of that purpose in mind.

    This is perfect for you if:

    • You want to craft a new, purpose-filled business

    • You want to realign and reimagine your existing business

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Alchemy of Purpose will be Step 2.


GROWING my business

“I’m ready to go from Potential + Plans to aligned Purpose + Profit.”

The Allow

  • This profound program uses the divine masculine elements of growing a business in a purpose-filled way so you can practically manage your growing brand in a way that allows the aligned abundance and success you crave.

    This is perfect for you if:

    • You want to launch and grow in a balanced way

    • You’re ready for proven business practices to allow abundance

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Allow Container will be Step 3.

Truth: Some business courses are focused only on the DOING, and others are just airy enough to leave you with all theory and no pragmatic actions to take in the world.

Another truth: You won’t get far in building a business alongside a rich life if you forget to become exactly who that business is asking you to be.

The key to a business owner who THRIVES in mind, body, and spirit is knowing that who you want to become dictates what you DO.

They define WHO they want to be in the process, and then they go DO as that WHO.

Most businesses are built entirely from the HEAD rather than harnessing the HEART as the beat that moves them forward. The truth is, we need both.

  • The heart creates.

  • The head constructs.

  • The heart breathes life and possibility.

  • The head builds a structure.

  • The head is what everyone else is doing.

  • The heart is where you’ll start.

If you want to craft your vision in a way that holds light and abundance, your strategy needs to be led by your spirit. Bringing in the heart as your driving force turns the business journey into a spiritual journey — this is where the magic happens.

And when your heart leads that brave and beautiful balance between polar opposites of spirit and strategy? You’ll be amazed at the clarity and courage that becomes yours when you dive into the VSB curriculum.



From broken to building a $30M company with balance

Tirzah Shirai started a business out of pure necessity after she hit a lull in paychecks as an Award-Winning Film Director and had less than $1,000 to her name.

Though she started Blinkbar out of need, she quickly grew the company from $0 - $30M in 5 years as she applied her skill for storytelling with her ability to paint a big vision and develop a strategy to get there.

Tirzah experienced growing from almost nothing and a childhood of poverty to a quick rise of amazing successes in both the business and film world. This put her in rooms with other high-achievers who were “hustling” their way to a dream. And it was through that proximity that she realized, most successful people are not living the good life everyone thinks they are.

The difference between those who were happy and those who weren’t? It wasn’t the business they built, but who they were while they did it.

People who prosper fueled by their purpose just glow differently.

Since then, she’s committed to changing the world to make abundance more available by helping others build businesses and make money the meaningful way.

She’s taking her business, branding, and benevolence background and turning it into an educational experience the entrepreneurial world has never seen before. Through a combination of spiritual practices (the “woo") and strategic planning (the “work”), she’s helping others who burn with a desire to share their gifts with the world through business.

And with all of these spiritual shifts, she’s lit a new fire and let what she previously built begin to burn so that she can start completely anew.

Tirzah experiences the most happiness in her life when she embraces her role in motherhood and practices leaning back into her already existing feminine power rather than striving for status. Her only hope is to help others feel that same happiness through the energy they bring to going after their dreams.


Devoted slow living advocate


Multi-million dollar CEO + brand builder


Award-winning film director


Why “Venusian?”

Venusian = from the planet Venus.

Venus is widely known as the feminine planet.


In short: We aim to rebrand the business world with feminine energy as the heartbeat.

Then we harness divine masculine energy as the vehicle to deliver that beauty and intention to the world through purpose-filled businesses.

Business has traditionally harnessed ONLY Mars energy. Rooted in unhealed masculine. It’s about domination and hierarchy. It results in very unbalanced businesses, and an unbalanced economy because of those businesses.

Venusian energy is about loving and welcoming in love. Rooted in nurturing. It’s about compassion, connection, equality, and softness. It results in more balance and holistic growth, honoring the cycles and rhythms inside of us and throughout our world.

Inside The Venusian School of Business, we lead with Divine Feminine and follow with Divine Masculine to craft businesses that:

  • Align to unique purpose, intention, and love

  • Allow growth through thoughtful vehicles and containers

This way of doing business welcomes in and builds up leaders, organizations, and companies that make our world better by serving through alignment and experiencing success without the hustle.



Feminine flow creates fertile ground
Masculine fire creates mission mastery

You might feel fear. You may think you’re not cut out for this.

But if you have even the slightest seed of willingness to step into using your gifts to profit, prosper, and step into your purpose…

Have the courage to push past the old way and try something new.

You will find Tirzah in:


We’re ushering in the balanced era of building businesses.

What if feminine flow could fuel the masculine fire in a way that creates LASTING, LEGACY-LEADING BEAUTY in the business world?

Would you join to be a part of it?