We don’t just talk, we walk, so —

We made building a world of good our business model

Here at Honeymilk, we’re all about using our community and connectivity to support businesses that are running things in a way that nourishes the world we live in.

We share ethical, sustainable brands with millions. We work to use our platform to raise funds for businesses who think outside the “it’s always been done this way” box.

Like co-op run brands, operated by the community and benefitting that community as they grow. Like brands who commit to giving 50% back to causes, because they know that giving back is not just something to tack onto a brand mission. Like brands who realistically acknowledge their “do good” efforts and have a willingness to work toward even better.

But, do you want to know the really cool thing?

We were tired of seeing businesses who added “give back” as a line item on their website without intentionally integrating it into the way they operate, day-to-day.

So, instead of just making “give back” a line-item, we committed to making it our actual business model.

Honeymilk is a for-profit company and we give 50% of all proceeds back to initiatives supporting community-building, land and water cleanup, and reclamation of land.

The Honeymilk 50% Back Model

The Honeymilk 50% Back Model •

Why should you care about all that?

Sustainably-made is one thing.
Sustainably-sourced is another.
Sustainably-strategized? Now that’s not something we see very often.

You may care about the brands who “run the world,” but have you ever thought you could be a part of one? Or that their substantial give-back missions might actually make change in causes you champion, too? Well that’s the opportunity we hope to put in the hands of our carefully-curated community here at Honeymilk.

And the fact of the matter is that brands who really want to change the world need to include that in their strategy as they launch and grow.

When our voice is heard, we want yours to be, too.
When we grow, we want it to benefit you.
When we make the world sweeter, we want you to know that you had a hand in it.


Want a world of good?

Want a world of good? •

Vote with your dollars or your “shares”

So now that you know Honeymilk runs on a co-op business model, you might be wondering, “How can I get involved?”

We are all about meeting you exactly where you are, and we know even though we don’t each have the same circumstances doesn’t mean we can’t each make an impact.

Two ways to get involved

At any point, you can choose to get involved with Honeymilk as a whole OR with any of our collaborating, supported partners. Whichever you feel called to, there are two ways to do it.

  • We are working to simplify the act of contributing to a world of good. We find and vet brands who are making BIG CHANGE possible, and we collaborate to bring them to you. All you need to do is keep an eye out for Honeymilk brand partnerships, and decide which you align with the most. Then, you can choose to donate or purchase from those brands knowing that you are voting with your dollars and they’re going toward what COUNTS as we co-create this world of better together.

  • Isn’t it ironic that “sharing” on social media is similar to “shares” in a company? It can’t just be a coincidence. In fact, we really think that when you choose to “share” with your hard-earned platform and trusting audience that you are becoming invested in that company because you’re giving them your stamp of approval. This can make more of a difference than you might think. So if this is how you want to get involved, we would be so honored if you would shout us out on social media, via email, or at your next walk with a friend or neighborhood dinner party.

    If you choose to utilize social media, please tag us [insert handle here] so we can thank you!

What’s current?

Honeymilk projects + collaborations


We may have our heads in the stars just a bit, but we’re not completely delusional. There’s no way we can change the entire world on our own here at Honeymilk.

For that reason, we know the best way to further our mission and bring true change that contributes to that world of good we know is possible is to partner with other brands with the same dreams and convictions.

Each quarter, we’ll be hosting a new collaboration with a brand or individual that will bring you, our community, more value and knowledge to support the actions you’re taking in your own sustainable life.

Here’s the thing: We believe in consuming less, more intentionally. So instead of promoting casual consumerism, we hope that our highlighted brand partners will contribute to your efforts to simplify and make every purchase count when you do consume.

This page will house and highlight those collaborations that are currently available for you to get involved in and what’s coming up!


Freaky clean: an all-purpose cleaning formula that’s actually a freak of nature
