6 Surprising Health Benefits of Raw Milk


Raw milk is one of those perfectly named products, as it is exactly what it sounds like. Raw milk is natural, organic milk that hasn’t been treated or homogenized like your standard, store-bought milk.  

The milk you’ll find in grocery store aisles is typically pasteurized milk: it has been treated with heat to kill bacteria. This same heat homogenizes the milk (making it all have a similar consistency), but this same process kills off the microbiome boosting bacteria natural to milk. 

The health benefits of raw milk are tied to those bacteria, so when you kill those, you kill the healthy enzymes that could be benefiting your gut health.

Health benefits of raw milk

1. A healthier gut.

Raw milk, because it hasn’t been pasteurized, is loaded with helpful bacteria and enzymes. Your microbiome will thank you (but only in so many words). 

2. Better digestion

Raw milk is easier on many people’s digestion but particularly lactose intolerant people. Turns out, those extra bacteria and enzymes help your body digest the milk! And, if you can make sure to go for milk from A2 cows. It’ll be even easier on digestion as well!

3. Less inflammation

There is some reason to believe that raw milk serves as an anti-inflammatory, having a forcefield-esque effect on the lining of the gut and reducing the entrance of unwanted elements into the bloodstream.

With raw milk, there are also many more options, usually for non-grain fed cattle milk. Grain-fed cows and pasteurization work together to create a pretty inflammatory combo. Raw milk from grass fed cows is the way to go! 

4. Reduced allergies + asthma

One of the most evidenced raw milk health benefits is its protective effect on the development of allergies and asthma. Children who drink raw milk have been shown to develop much less allergies and asthma. Keep in mind, these same bacteria can be harmful to vulnerable children. So, watch closely when introducing this to younger kids!

5. More vitamins + minerals

Raw milk has the same positive health effects of pasteurized milk, and then some. All of those extra micronutrients, improve your overall health!

6. Superfood (super boost in energy)

Last, raw milk totally qualifies as a bona fide superfood. Hydration, digestion, nutrition, protein, calories: raw milk has got it all and will help keep your body going throughout the day. 

Back to the bacteria 

Those same bacteria that can make raw milk so helpful may pose some danger to some. Immunocompromised people should take caution before considering hopping on the raw milk bandwagon. Raw milk has been found, unfortunately, to cause more frequent infections than pasteurized milk. Still, this is a very small rate of infection not resulting in anything too serious. 

So, when it comes to raw milk, like with anything, listen to your body, and take into account your own sensitivities and needs before consuming. Having a trustworthy and careful source to go to for raw milk is also recommended like a local farm, for example. 

Rah-rah for raw milk

It seems these days that every other person has a gut problem (look to your left, look to your right; one of these people has a gut problem.) If gut health problems also plague you (as they do about 20% of Americans in truth), considering raw milk is definitely an idea worth your time. Just be sure to consult your medical professional to see if it will work for you. Wanting tips on why you should make more homegrown food? Or open to more sustainable life choices? Find more lifestyle tips here.


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