How to Set New Moon Intentions

Ready to learn how to set new moon intentions? This is a profound way to aim for a new picture of yourself while in sync with the cycles of nature and the planets.

What is a new moon manifestation?

Syncing up personal goals with the procession of the lunar calendar is also known as setting new moon manifestations. A new moon is the first lunar phase and it is also when the Earth comes completely between the sun and the moon, shadowing the lunar surface. The new year is hardly the only time we have to set new resolutions for ourselves.

A little known fact is that mankind has spent a much longer time on Earth following lunar calendars than solar ones. Unfortunately, the moon has come under suspicion as the centuries have worn on.

The word “lunacy” itself has its origins as meaning that one is under the dangerous influence of the moon. So, setting new moon intentions is not only a great way to work on personal development but it also helps to reclaim the influence of the moon. 

With new moon manifestations, we build and foster our relationships with the planets and the zodiac, adding to the music of the spheres. We find that being more in tune with the universe simply means being more in tune with ourselves. Allowing the harmony inherent in the universe, to take its life-giving, wisdom oriented, very literal meaning.

How to set new moon intentions

1. Set concrete, specific goals!

Vaguery is the enemy of all attempts to improve our lives. Trying to do “X less” or “Y more” just allows us to fudge the meaning of “less” and “more” depending on our willpower throughout the day. You can’t know if you’re close to hitting your goal, far from hitting your goal, or have already hit your goal if there isn’t a clear idea of what that goal is specifically. 

This also helps to make your new moon intentions less imposing and scary! When we break down our goals into understandable, more easily conceptualized parts, we make it easier to avoid that feeling of an overbearing, impossible weight on your shoulders. 

2. Be kind to yourself

Setting new moon manifestations can be as much about removing negative parts from our lives to adding positive qualities to our lives. Eckhart Tolle wisely observed that, "Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” Meet the shameful, negative, components of your life with patience, kindness, and forgiveness. If it’s what you’d do for a close friend, why isn’t it how you’d treat yourself? The shame that accompanies falling short of our goals and expectations for ourselves is often the very thing that keeps us from attaining those goals. (Noting this for myself too, as it’s a reminder we all need.)

3. Practice a more mindful approach

Learning how to set new moon intentions is also about thinking differently. Put yourself in unique environments. Try to do things just a little bit differently. Sit with your thoughts in ways you may not have done recently. Doing so will enable you to feel through and see your life with new eyes. Breaking and building habits is much more about technique than willpower or strength. 

Image courtesy of Habits for Wellbeing.

New moon manifestations for a new you

Watching the moon grow into its fullness in tandem with the new self you’re developing is a deeply enriching experience. And, what’s super empowering is that every new lunar cycle is a chance to make new moon manifestations and greater, more life affirming goals for yourself. 

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