Natural Recipes For Killing Weeds

Standard, store-bought weed killing products can’t beat the cost-effective and healthier natural recipes for killing weeds. These natural recipes for killing weeds are simple, and easy to make, and, with them, you don’t have to worry at all about pollutants dangerous to your health. 

A vinegar and water mix, boiled water, and a salt and water combo are three excellent natural recipes for weed killers. Read along for a no-nonsense, simple how-to. 

Bear in mind that the key downside to these DIY weed destroyers is that they may only take out the parts of the weed they come into contact with. So, be sure to liberally apply. 

1. Boiled water weed killer

Boiled water, by far, is the most sustainable of all possible homemade recipes for killing weeds. Just add water…and only water. Boil the water, pour it carefully onto the weeds you need gone, and you’re done. 

The boiling water will retain enough heat to destroy the plant, and quickly. 

2. Weed killer with vinegar 

Vinegar (and most of us have it at home) is a weed-killing machine. Due to its acidity, vinegar easily dehydrates plants, which is how it kills your weeds in this case.

It’s really as easy as it sounds. Just mix equal amounts of vinegar and water into an empty spray bottle and spray those pesky weeds. When done in the heat of the day, the drying effect will be that much more effective. 

As long as your aim is true, and the plants you want to keep don’t get hit in the crossfire, you now have a way to rid yourself of weeds without worrying about you or your pets being exposed to dangerous pollutants. We call that a win. 

  1. Mix 50% water and 50% vinegar in a spray bottle

  2. Spray weeds directly (preferably during the hottest part of the day)

  3. Watch them wither from dehydration after a day’s time

  4. You can pull the remaining roots with ease

3. Salt spray weed killer

Another natural recipe to kill weeds is a solution of 1 part salt for every 2 parts of water. Mix both into a spray bottle and you’re good to go. 

Salt, unfortunately, has a nasty tendency of lingering in the soil for far too long, harming more desirable plant life. So use this technique with care and where the weeds are already isolated from other plants you want to keep. 

Road salt, often overused, has disrupted freshwater ecosystems and dangerously infiltrated drinking water. So, best to avoid adding to that problem with even more salt in the environment where we can. 

  1. Mix 1 part salt for every 2 parts of water

  2. Spray weeds directly

  3. Wait about 10 days

  4. Pull remaining weeds as necessary

Why you might want to skip on traditional weed killer

While the experts may be divided, Glyphosate, a very common herbicide, may have some links to cancer along with liver and kidney damage. Put simply, some studies have shown a connection, others have not. (Unfortunately, studies aren’t required to disclose their funding sources, which makes us wonder if there’s a bias towards certain results.)

But, do we really need to wait for the science to come together to feel that spraying chemicals so close to our homes might not be the best idea?

If you’re not wanting to come close to potential health risks and want to avoid common herbicides while the jury’s out, we won’t blame you. Natural recipes for killing weeds are your best bet until we figure out just how dangerous these frequently used products are. 

Weeding out with the right weed killer 

Save some money, improve the environment, be more careful with your health, and feel a little less reliant on store-bought materials all by following these natural recipes for killing weeds. You’ll feel more self-reliant and the Earth might just thank you for it. 


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