Creating A Purpose-Driven Brand

A purpose-driven brand is a company whose values are the driving force behind every decision — from why the business was founded to what you offer, who you serve, and how you do it all.

By following these steps, you'll create a brand that stands for something, and that empowers change.

Why purpose-driven companies are often more successful

More trusted by customers

It’s easy to make a purchase or to stay loyal to a brand if they’re making a difference. If a customer has to choose between two companies that do the same thing, but yours has a stronger purpose or environmental impact, it’s clear which brand is more fulfilling to support.

It’s a narrative people want to be a part of

When you’re a purpose-forward brand, you give others something to support beyond a mere product or service. Instead of being known for clothing or marketing, you become known for contributing to a greater cause. This gives others the natural inclination to want to share that story.

You’ll find more social media engagement, better brand ambassadors, and even press coverage simply because you’re more than a business — you’re a boost to the world.

The best talent wants to work there too

When you’re a company that makes an impact, talented individuals with similar passions will be easier to find, often feeling compelled to join your cause. In the end, your company’s culture is defined by your shared purpose. So, fill those roles with people who are fulfilled just by working with you!

More investment opportunities

With a connected workforce, strong audience base, and media coverage — investment opportunities will readily present themselves.

What is purpose driven marketing?

Along the same line of thought is purpose driven marketing — essentially tying your purpose into your promotions.

Think about activist-based campaigns where a percentage of holiday sales goes to a certain cause or organization, or a slogan that highlights your values. We’re big fans of the fashion brand tagline, “In the pursuit of less” from Asket.

Tying your brand to these social drivers makes it easier to bring the right clients to your doorstep.

How to build a purpose driven business

  1. Identify the causes you’re naturally drawn to

    As the founder of a company, your brand’s purpose should be closely tied to your personal passions. It’s hard to keep a fire burning if it’s forced in the first place.

  2. Tie that cause naturally into your offer or solution

    A fashion brand that creates less waste, a shaving company that provides hygienic resources to those in struggling parts of the world — creating a natural tie-in to what you do will make it feel like less of a “reach” to intertwine your brand with this purpose.

  3. Don’t copy someone else

    The fast-track to losing authenticity is to replicate what’s already being done. How can it be an authentic purpose, if it’s really someone else’s? Own your story and your personal inclinations. That’s the best way to stand out, as no one else has the same story as you do. (See some of our favorite influential brand personality examples to help.)

Questions to ask to define your purpose

  1. Why does our brand exist?

  2. What problem are we trying to solve?

  3. What impact do we want to have on the world?

From a perspective of purpose

One last word of wisdom that we feel inclined to share — is to be real when you put this purpose driven brand together. Don’t do it solely for financial gain. If you create a company with a “purpose” that doesn’t actually drive your decisions, your marketing, growth, and impact will be lackluster as a result. The cause needs to be genuine in order to work.

The whole point is that your purpose is rooted in something real, something human, and better for us all, or for a piece of our society.


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