What Makes Your Business Stand Out? Best Answers For Soulful Entrepreneurs

What makes your business stand out? The best answers, well, are those that you don’t just copy and paste. They’re tailored to you. So, let’s dive into the purpose-led answers that make running a soul-filled business easy, without sacrificing your personal values or grounded lifestyle.

How to make your business stand out

Many business strategists will recommend a cohesive website and professional brand, and while it's a great place to start, those won’t set you apart unless you’ve established the following foundational pillars first.

1. Share a brand story rooted in meaningful values that will connect with your people

You started a business because you have a fresh take or a newfound solution, but there is an entire story that predates your business launch — your connections, values, experiences, culture and purpose. When you are authentic and rooted in your values, you will shine a light in the dark that your community will be attracted to.

Take your audience on a journey by opening up, being vulnerable, and creating a brand that has more compassion and balance than a typical company.

And if you’re wondering, does the personality of my brand have to line up who you are? The answer is no, not exactly! 

Your brand’s personality should house aspects of you, those traits that light you up and resonate with you. If you’re not sharp-tongued or overly corporate, your brand shouldn’t be either.

Infuse  pieces of who you are, who your community is and the path you want this company to follow.

2. Create a beautiful brand that draws others in

In addition to sharing that brand story, it helps to present those ideas within a beautiful brand. The right imagery (anything but stock images or the kind of photos typical companies are sharing), colors that are chosen for their meaning, and fonts that bring it all together.

These visual items are so much more than surface impressions — they speak to the deepest parts of us, going beyond where words can reach — connecting the seen to what is unseen.

3. Obsess over your customer

Too many people are worried about themselves — how the brand looks or what they’re doing — but the focus should be on the customer experience. If you obsess over your customers while everyone else is busy thinking about themselves, you will stand out!

4. Share engaging, actionable content on social media

To be honest, we’re glad that the days of sharing depth-less, mere pretty pictures are over. The fact that video content and scrollable tips are ranking on Instagram shows just how much people want to be engaged. Creating content that is value-led and immersive is an incredible way to boost your online following, without feeling like you’re promoting a materialistic, detached lifestyle.

How to differentiate your business from competitors

Alright, you’ve established a thoughtful foundation, but now it’s time to break the mold.

1. Create a personal experience

A business coach that offers seaside retreats for her travel-loving peers or a wedding photographer that surprises couples with hand-etched champagne glasses, creating a thoughtful experience for your customers doesn’t require a huge shift in your workflow. You could simply start sending meaningful gifts or, if you’re an e-commerce business, upgrade to less wasteful and more intentional shipping materials, whether that’s including a sweet note or switching to on-brand paper materials. 

2. Shine your light by sharing your history

How many clients have you served up to this point, or how many years of experience do you have? Don’t shy away from mentioning what values and experiences make you the most trustworthy source for your offer or service. The collective, unique experience that you cultivate is something no competitor can replicate.

Think of a fingerprint — each of us are irreplaceable, unique, and have something to offer that the world needs now. There will never be another you, so don’t be afraid to shine and highlight your gifts.

3. Do something others haven’t thought of yet

Repeating the same, worn-out advice, regardless of the topic, niche or audience just will not lead you anywhere, at least not to a meaningful, sincere result. But if you find something that people connect to, or struggle to balance, and offer a fresh and empowering perspective — that will set you apart. Be mindful— it can’t be temporary or a quick fix. It needs to be something that will encourage alignment and lasting impact. 

If you need help in this area, tune into your heart and soul — the seat of all true creativity. Oftentimes, that is where the creative spark speaks out.

What makes your business stand out?

We’d love to hear your thoughts. And if you need us, we’ll be sharing more soul-driven advice and creative insights on being a stand-out, heart-centered entrepreneur.


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