11 Manifestation Crystals For Everything From Love To Spiritual Abundance


Manifesting crystals are a medium used to bring things you want in life. Material gain, spiritual enlightenment — it’s all on the table and it’s as useful as you make it.

For some, it can be a way to orient your thinking and behavior patterns to get what you want or a more spiritual, magical method to control the universe in your favor. There are many schools of thought on the practice with various levels of seriousness.

For those keen on numerology, 11 is considered very powerful. 11 is one of only three Master Numbers. With that in mind, here are 11 of the best manifesting crystals centered around everything from love to spiritual abundance in your life.

11 Manifestation Crystals

1. Amethyst 

Amethyst is an exceptionally popular crystal, meaning it is also one of the best crystals for manifesting. Amethyst is all about connecting with your higher self. Purple, historically, is the color of royalty and power and has been worn in battle as a form of protection. 

Amethyst is popularly believed to bring purpose and order into your life. This purple-hued crystal will make a fine addition to your collection of manifesting stones. 

2. Clear Quartz 

As one of the clearest manifesting stones, Clear Quartz is also one of the most versatile. You can use it for almost anything you’d like! It’s excellent as a simple amplifier for anything you want to manifest. 

Other popular uses are for clearing negative energy and making your thoughts more clear. It’s so clear that for centuries, it was thought to be ice that was frozen for so long, it became stuck in that shape. 

3. Citrine

Citrine is a money maker. Those looking to gain the things much of our society is focused on: money, success, prosperity, wealth, or happiness will find that this crystal is a helpful tool. Citrine is one of the best crystals for manifesting material gain. 

4. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the crystal of love. Its rosy color is perfect for attracting love or even platonic relationships that are going to be beneficial and good. By the same token, it can also help you to be a better friend to yourself, aiding in self-love and healing. Getting abundance to flow toward us is often about a lack of self-love or deserving power. (Take our course on this to help.)

5. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone, or one used to activate your physical energy. Its suitably smoky black interior is used to get rid of negative emotions, vibrations, and energies. 

6. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is also an excellent grounding stone focused around, well, staying focused and being in tune with your surroundings. Like Smoky Quartz, it is believed to be a preventative against negativity. 

7. Pyrite

Pyrite is popularly known as “fool’s gold.” We’ve all handled some as kids. It’s said to enhance our ability to acquire wealth and work towards our goals. Abundance is what Pyrite is all about. 


Jade is also frequently used for acquiring wealth and success. Jade, in China, has had comparable significance to that of gold and diamonds. Its purple color also brings a royal, prosperous tone. It’s a crystal signifying dignity and elegance. 

It’s fitting, then, that Jade is used to manifest wealth and prosperity. It is the original good luck charm. 

9. Carnelia

For those with a creative itch or who live by way of a creative career, Carnelia is worth a look. Carnelia is known for its ability to enhance motivation, creativity and to manifest success.

10. Labradorite 

Labradorite is a powerful medium, one of the best manifesting crystals for transformation. With this crystal, you’ll discover change, opportunity, awareness, creativity, and inspiration. 

11. Aventurine 

A helpful mnemonic with Aventurine goes as follows: “Going adventuring? Bring Aventurine.” Aventurine is the go-to manifesting stone for good luck, confidence, and emotional security. All helpful things for those who like a good adventure now and then. 

Crystals for your next manifestation

With this helpful list of 11 of the best manifesting crystals, a lot of the world’s doors will open for you. Let’s be honest, confidence is half the battle, and manifesting positivity in your life is a surefire way to increase yours.   


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