Using Your Zone Of Genius As An Entrepreneur

Using your zone of genius as an entrepreneur can help you get into the best flow state, and feel the most empowered to get the work done, and well. This can even help you know what kind of business to start in the first place, or which shifts you should make to be fulfilled with your work.

How to find your zone of genius

Finding your zone of genius is a simple matter of self analysis, guided by some standard questions you can pose to yourself. Pay attention to when you get in the flow state, and write down what you notice!

  1. “When do I get my best work done?” When you are in the midst of a flow state, what are you usually doing? What do you feel you are most naturally good at doing?

    1. Write down the tasks that you naturally excel at

  2. “What type of work brings me the most joy, the most fulfillment?” Key to the idea of the zone of genius is that your zone of genius will also be the type of work that makes you feel content and fulfilled.

    1. Write down the tasks or type of work that make you lose track of time

Once you have answered these questions, you should be able to successfully figure out your zone of genius. Zone of genius examples can be anything from writing, and graphic design, to working one-on-one with clients. Any work field or task can be a zone of genius. It can be specific too — you might love designing logos, but despise creating websites.

Remember, you are just trying to determine the kind of work, deep down, that would be best for you to focus your time on. That’s all that’s required when looking into how to find your zone of genius.

How to best use your zone of genius

So, you’ve narrowed down your zone of genius as an entrepreneur. What now? Use this list to optimize your business around this zone.

1. Invest in your zone of genius

The area of your work where you feel most adept and most empowered is where you should invest the time and resources to develop the skills it involves. Take a class or follow a mentor in the same field that you admire. Continuously working on this skillset is how you can stay in your A game, and be more confident as well.

Yes, you might lose track of time in this area, but your skills might need a little love here. Hence why we suggest investing in building your expertise here.

2. Build your business around your zone of genius

The main service or product you offer should stem, if possible, directly from your zone of genius. This makes it easier to run your business without burn-out, because the well of zest for this, will never become empty. (Don’t overdo it, though. We all need rest.)

3. Outsource areas outside of your zone of genius

You might enjoy web design, but have trouble communicating with and managing clients. That might be something you should hand off to a contract employee, or boutique firm.

Finding and training employees who complement your zone of genius is essential too. If you are less of a people person, let other people take the reins on that. If you love photography, but hate editing, find a way to have someone else take care of that aspect. Won’t the work be done better by someone in their zone of genius?

In the zone

Once your zone of genius has been implemented into how you run your business and your work day, you will have so, so many benefits on the table. More fulfilling work, less time feeling drained emotionally and spiritually, and — not least of all — a better business operating closer to its ultimate potential. Finding your zone of genius can be a great start to scaling your small business.


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